Thursday, July 3, 2014

Multimedia Assessments

There are so many new tech tools and apps to be explored and used by teachers and students. I often can't remember where to locate these when I need them, so I decided to add these to a blog as a curation site.

Today as I am going through the February School Library Journal (I know it is July now!) I came across some great tools. Kahoot and Flubaroo/Google forms are my favorites.

  • Image Quiz - enables creation of quizzes based on images. You can create your own quizzes. There are quizzes already made for your access. Interesting for computer class quizzes on parts of a computer.
  • Quiz Factor - Check out the map quizzes. You can also create and submit quizzes or embed in a web page. The map quizzes are good practice for states and countries. There are also science quizzes such as the periodic table and parts of the body. Much more...You will need a login to see correct answers.
  • Kahoot delivers online quizzes in a classroom response setting and is a resource I discovered a while back. It can be played on smartphones, iPads, computers… Watch this video to see students in action or the tutorial for more information.
  • Educanon is a video based quiz you can create for a class of students and export results. 
  • The Flubaroo add-on script is something I stumbled upon which enables you to use Google forms as online quizzes that grade themselves and can even email students their grades. Remember Google forms can have images and video components added. Watch the video to learn more. Could this replace those old Scantron sheets?